Reticulated Airfield Lighting

reticulated_light Powerful 100 candela output
meets standard for L.I.R.L

reticulated_light 7AH battery provides
20 continuous 30 minute cycles.

reticulated_light Large 1.8W solar panel.
Recharges 1 hours usage/day

reticulated_lightWater proof electronics
set in epoxy resin

reticulated_light Radio unit.
PAL 120.55 or 120.65

reticulated_light Radio underside.

Reticulated lights are linked by an underground telephone cable which is layed around the perimeter of the runway. The system has two VHF radio recievers that activate the runway lights with a signal voltage via the cable. Each light is powered by its own battery and solar panel.


Fig.1 Typical Airfield Layout



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